How to Find Cash Buyers and Sell Bulk Real Estate Portfolios | PLUS Scripts and Probate USP

Chad and John discuss where to find the best probate leads and how to get probate leads for free from public notice. Johnathan shares his probate video marketing process, and Chad offers tips for using a multi-channel approach with direct mail marketing and digital marketing to get the most mileage out of each marketing asset. Gary Nash and Chad Corbett talk about creative investment strategies, how to unlock profits in single-family residences and find better end uses for investment properties. Nina summarizes the court overbid process for probate sales in California. Chad and Nina discuss how to build a cash buyers list for the competitive market we’re in, and what professionals (CCIMs, CPAs, Community Banks) can help you network with the best real estate investors. Stephanie did over 100 investment deals last year, but she just got her real estate license; How can she get her first real estate listing?