Code of Ethics for Certified Probate Experts within the Probate Profession
When providing services the practitioner adheres to the core values of customer focus, integrity, innovation, social responsibility, and diversity. Service-based decisions, derived from the best available research and evidence, are the underpinnings of ethical conduct and practice.
This Code applies to practitioners who act in a wide variety of capacities, provides general principles, and provides specific ethical standards for situations frequently encountered in daily practice. The primary goal is the protection of the individuals, groups, organizations, communities, and/or populations with whom the practitioner works and interacts.
The practitioner supports and promotes high standards of professional practice, accepting the obligation to protect customers/clients, the public, and the profession, and shall report perceived violations of the Code through established processes.
The Probate Mastery Code of Ethics establishes the principles and ethical standards that underlie the practitioner’s roles and conduct. All individuals to whom the Code applies are referred to as “Certified Probate Experts” (CPE). By accepting membership, all CPE’s agree to abide by the Code.
Principles & Standards:
- Integrity in personal and professional behaviors and practices
CPE practitioners shall:
- Disclose any conflicts of interest, including any financial interests in products or services that are recommended. Refrain from accepting gifts or services which potentially influence or which may give the appearance of influencing professional judgment.
- Comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including obtaining/maintaining a state license or certification if required by law.
- Maintain and appropriately use credentials.
- Respect intellectual property rights, including citation and recognition of the ideas and work of others, regardless of the medium (e.g. written, oral, electronic).
- Provide accurate and truthful information in all communications.
- Report inappropriate behavior or treatment of a customer/client by another CPE practitioner or other professionals.
- Document, code, and bill to most accurately reflect the character and extent of delivered services.
- Respect the customer/client's autonomy. Safeguard customer/client confidentiality according to current regulations and laws.
- Implement appropriate measures to protect personal information by using appropriate techniques.
- Competence and professional development in practice
CPE practitioners shall:
- Practice using an evidence-based approach within areas of competence, continuously develop and enhance expertise, and recognize limitations.
- Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the probate process.
- Interpret, apply, participate in, and/or generate research to enhance practice, innovation, and discovery.
- Make evidence-based practice decisions, taking into account the unique values and circumstances of the customer/client and community, in combination with the practitioner’s expertise and judgment.
- Recognize and exercise professional judgment within the limits of individual qualifications and collaborate with others, seek counsel, and make referrals as appropriate.
- Act in a caring and respectful manner, mindful of individual differences and cultural & ethnic diversity.
- Practice within the limits of practitioners’ scope and collaborate with the interprofessional team.
- Professionalism
CPE practitioners shall:
- Participate in and contribute to decisions that affect the well-being of customers/clients and the community.
- Respect the values, rights, knowledge, and skills of colleagues and other professionals.
- Demonstrate respect, constructive dialogue, civility, and professionalism in all communications, including social media.
- Refrain from communicating false, fraudulent, deceptive, misleading, disparaging, or unfair statements or claims.
- Uphold professional boundaries and refrain from romantic relationships with any customers/clients.
- Refrain from verbal/physical/emotional/sexual harassment.
- Contribute to the advancement and competence of others, including colleagues, customers, clients, and the public.
- Social responsibility for local, regional, national, and global well-being
CPE practitioners shall:
- Collaborate with others to protect human rights.
- Promote fairness and objectivity with fair and equitable treatment.
- Contribute time and expertise to activities that promote respect, integrity, and competence in the profession.
- Promote the unique role of CPE practitioners.
- Engage in service that benefits the community and enhances the public’s trust in the profession and the CPE designation.
- Seek leadership opportunities in professional, community, and service organizations to add value to the probate process while protecting the public.
- Objectivity
CPE practitioners shall:
- Maintain fairness, impartiality, and intellectual honesty.
- Must not allow prejudice or bias, conflict of interest, or influence of others to override objectivity.
- When CPE has a conflict of interest, the CPE must disclose the conflict to those involved.
- Inform customers/clients of the nature of any business connections, interests, or affiliates which could be viewed as affecting the CPE’s judgment or impairing the objective quality of their services.