Speed networking in real estate, the CPE Designation, and seller price objections in a changing market | Episode 96

Speed networking in real estate, the CPE Designation, and seller price objections in a changing market | Episode 96

In this episode, certified probate experts discuss speed networking in real estate, the CPE Designation elevator pitch, seller price objections, and using software as a lead magnet. We hear success stories from Larry and Brian on building referral relationships with attorneys. We also hear about Jessica’s 12 listings and why she targets NODs in probate with out-of-state personal representatives. David and Bill discuss why the one-to-many marketing approach is the greatest way to scale your real estate business. Tune in and see the progress these probate agents and investors have made in the last week!

Probate Direct Mail ROI, B2B real estate referrals, and creative seller financing in 2023. | Episode 95

Probate Podcast episode 95 Probate Direct Mail ROI, B2B real estate referrals, and creative seller financing in 2023.

In this episode, certified probate experts discuss probate direct mail ROI, winning attorney referrals, and how selling real estate on terms can help backstop a declining housing market. Brian, Stephen, Jessica, and David all share compelling stories of the work they’re doing in probate. Elvis and Anthony are laying the foundation for a successful marketing strategy. And, Chad announces the winner of our EARN course contest. Tune in and see the progress these probate agents and investors have made in the last week!

Real Estate Cold Call Scripts: Assisted Living Sales, Senior Downsizing, and Keeping Property objections. PLUS How to hurry the probate process up.

Estate Professionals Mastermind - More than a probate mastermind podcast episode 49

In this podcast episode, Chad Corbett and the probate masterminds practice senior downsizing scripts and assisted living sales scripts through cold call role play. In addition to these cold call role plays, Chad covers what to say when a probate lead presents the common objection that they plan to buy and keep the probate property to rent out. Chad and the group do some live deal analysis and transaction engineering for probate property situations with urgent timelines (foreclosure) and discreet, off-market sales (wealthy clients).