Becoming a Certified Probate Expert (CPE)

Free Coaching and Workshops

Uncertain where to begin? Take any of our free training, foundations course or attend our free weekly coaching calls to advance your skill.

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Probate Mastery

Take the Probate Mastery 5-Session Course! Earn your Certified Probate Expert (CPE) designation after completion of the Probate Mastery 15-hour course.

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Join Mastery Academy Coaching

Advance your business faster with Mastery Academy. Mastery Academy gives you personalized guidance as you build your real estate business in the Probate niche.  

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Your Journey to Probate Expertise & Mastery

So you've decided to enter the world of probate real estate and you're looking for 1 place to learn everything you need to be successful in this niche. Well, you've come to the right place. Check out our roadmap to success!

Start Your Journey... Book a Discovery Call!

or start with our comprehensive 5-session Probate Mastery certification course

Get Certified With Probate Mastery!

Probate Training For Beginners...

So you've recently heard about "probate real estate," but you're not sure what it is or if it's right for you. Take a look at the basics of probate real estate and determine if this career path fits with your ideal lifestyle.
lifestyle & career design mini course image
Lifestyle & Career Design

Take a unique approach to goal setting with this free 3 hour mini-course. Tap into your core desired feelings and design your life for a career to fit. This course is great for people curious about this profession or want to make a shift in their business.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Probate Foundations

Foundations is a 2 hour breakdown that will help you achieve quick wins in your Probate business. This course is designed to eliminate the noise and offer basic proven strategies to get your business started in the probate real estate niche.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Probate Opportunity

In this 12 minute mini training, you will learn why probate properties are a HUGE opportunity-regardless of inventory trends. Learn to unlock opportunities your competition only wished they could find.

Take this Mini Training
get probate cash mini course
Probate Marketing
In this 14 minute mini training, you'll learn why old-school, sales-based marketing strategies don't work on Probate prospects, how to establish credibility through education-based content, where and how to promote your USP, and which marketing platforms produce results.

Take this Mini Training
get probate cash mini course
Probate Prospecting
In this 11 minute mini training, you will learn the best techniques for opening your conversation, how to guide the prospect through a conversation that matches your style, how to handle resistance with ease and professionalism, when to bring up real estate, and more.

Take this Mini Training
get probate cash mini course
Live Weekly Coaching
This public Q&A style mastermind call is designed for real estate agents and investors who are interested in or currently doing business in the Probate real estate niche. Join Bill Gross (CPE) and professionals around the country in this collaborative discussion about current probate trends, real estate issues, and more.

Participate Weekly

More Advanced Courses

So you've been around the probate block a time or two and you're not looking for comprehensive start-to-finish education, but you do want to fine-tune some of your current business practices with proven strategies. Does this sound like you? Take a look at these topic-specific, mini-courses for quick wins in your business.

get probate cash mini course
Get Probate Cash

Learn what probate inheritance advances are and how you can use them as a lead generation tool whether you're a realtor or investor/wholesaler. Get two additional bonus videos to learn how to market probate advances to executors, heirs, and attorney partners.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Probate Problems & Solutions
Learn what the common probate problems are and how you can prepare to handle these issues. This workshop includes a workbook with 19 problems and solutions provided for you.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Constructing Your Probate USP
Take this workshop to develop a unique selling proposition for your probate business. Your USP is used to brand your company and stand apart from your competition.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Top Real Estate Tax Mistakes

This workshop is for all real estate professionals to learn how to set their businesses up for the best tax breaks. More importantly, this workshop teaches how to AVOID common tax mistakes that real estate professionals make.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Building a 'Local Celebrity' Personal Brand
Get specific, actionable advertising and social media steps to amplify your personal brand. Then watch your clients come to you instead of having to chase for them.

Take this Mini Course
comprehensive probate course
Earn Attorney Referrals Now (E.A.R.N.)

Take this comprehensive 7-hour course to learn how to scale your business and create a steady flow of referrals from top Probate Attorneys in your area.

Take this Comprehensive Course
get probate cash mini course
Get Probate Cash

Learn what probate inheritance advances are and how you can use them as a lead generation tool whether you're a realtor or investor/wholesaler. Get two additional bonus videos to learn how to market probate advances to executors, heirs, and attorney partners.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Probate Problems & Solutions
Learn what the common probate problems are and how you can prepare to handle these issues. This workshop includes a workbook with 19 problems and solutions provided for you.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Constructing Your Probate USP
Take this workshop to develop a unique selling proposition for your probate business. Your USP is used to brand your company and stand apart from your competition.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Top Real Estate Tax Mistakes

This workshop is for all real estate professionals to learn how to set their businesses up for the best tax breaks. More importantly, this workshop teaches how to AVOID common real estate tax mistakes.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course

Building a 'Local Celebrity' Brand

Get specific, actionable advertising and social media steps to amplify your personal brand. Then watch your clients come to you instead of having to chase for them.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Earn Attorney Referrals Now (E.A.R.N.)

Take this comprehensive 7-hour course to learn how to scale your business and create a steady flow of referrals from top Probate & Estate Planning Attorneys in your area.

Take the E.A.R.N. Course
get probate cash mini course
Get Probate Cash

Learn what probate inheritance advances are and how you can use them as a lead generation tool whether you're a realtor or investor/wholesaler. Get two additional bonus videos to learn how to market probate advances to executors, heirs, and attorney partners.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Probate Problems & Solutions
Learn what the common probate problems are and how you can prepare to handle these issues. This workshop includes a workbook with 19 problems and solutions provided for you.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Constructing Your Probate USP
Take this workshop to develop a unique selling proposition for your probate business. Your USP is used to brand your company and stand apart from your competition.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Top Real Estate Tax Mistakes
This workshop is for all real estate professionals to learn how to set their businesses up for the best tax breaks. More importantly, this workshop teaches how to AVOID common tax mistakes that real estate professionals make.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Building a 'Local Celebrity' Personal Brand
Get specific, actionable advertising and social media steps to amplify your personal brand. Then watch your clients come to you instead of having to chase for them.

Take this Mini Course
comprehensive probate course
Earn Attorney Referrals Now (E.A.R.N.)

Take this comprehensive 7-hour course to learn how to scale your business and create a steady flow of referrals from top Probate Attorneys in your area.

Take this Comprehensive Course
get probate cash mini course
Get Probate Cash

Learn what probate inheritance advances are and how you can use them as a lead generation tool whether you're a realtor or investor/wholesaler. Get two additional bonus videos to learn how to market probate advances to executors, heirs, and attorney partners.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Probate Problems & Solutions
Learn what the common probate problems are and how you can prepare to handle these issues. This workshop includes a workbook with 19 problems and solutions provided for you.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Constructing Your Probate USP
Take this workshop to develop a unique selling proposition for your probate business. Your USP is used to brand your company and stand apart from your competition.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Top Real Estate Tax Mistakes
This workshop is for all real estate professionals to learn how to set their businesses up for the best tax breaks. More importantly, this workshop teaches how to AVOID common tax mistakes that real estate professionals make.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Building a 'Local Celebrity' Personal Brand
Get specific, actionable advertising and social media steps to amplify your personal brand. Then watch your clients come to you instead of having to chase for them.

Take this Mini Course
comprehensive probate course
Earn Attorney Referrals Now (E.A.R.N.)

Take this comprehensive 7-hour course to learn how to scale your business and create a steady flow of referrals from top Probate Attorneys in your area.

Take this Comprehensive Course
get probate cash mini course
Get Probate Cash
Learn what probate inheritance advances are and how you can use them as a lead generation tool whether you're a realtor or investor/wholesaler. Get two additional bonus videos to learn how to market probate advances to executors, heirs, and attorney partners.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Probate Problems & Solutions
Learn what the common probate problems are and how you can prepare to handle these issues. This workshop includes a workbook with 19 problems and solutions provided for you.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Constructing Your Probate USP
Take this workshop to develop a unique selling proposition for your probate business. Your USP is used to brand your company and stand apart from your competition.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Top Real Estate Tax Mistakes
This workshop is for all real estate professionals to learn how to set their businesses up for the best tax breaks. More importantly, this workshop teaches how to AVOID common tax mistakes that real estate professionals make.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Building a 'Local Celebrity' Personal Brand
Get specific, actionable advertising and social media steps to amplify your personal brand. Then watch your clients come to you instead of having to chase for them.

Take this Mini Course
get probate cash mini course
Earn Attorney Referrals Now (E.A.R.N.)

Take this comprehensive 7-hour course to learn how to scale your business and create a steady flow of referrals from top Probate Attorneys in your area.

Take this Comprehensive Course

Your top questions, answered

There are three places to get answers about the Probate Education Offerings:
