Real Estate Cold Call Scripts: Assisted Living Sales, Senior Downsizing, and Keeping Property objections. PLUS How to hurry the probate process up.

Estate Professionals Mastermind - More than a probate mastermind podcast episode 49

In this podcast episode, Chad Corbett and the probate masterminds practice senior downsizing scripts and assisted living sales scripts through cold call role play. In addition to these cold call role plays, Chad covers what to say when a probate lead presents the common objection that they plan to buy and keep the probate property to rent out. Chad and the group do some live deal analysis and transaction engineering for probate property situations with urgent timelines (foreclosure) and discreet, off-market sales (wealthy clients).

How to unlock profit, solve common transaction problems, and close more probate deals in 2022 | Live Probate Deal Analysis

Thumbnail for episode 40 of estate professionals mastermind podcast live probate training: Picture of Chad Corbett and text

Probate Mastery alumni share their recent probate listings and acquisitions and mastermind together for live deal analysis, transaction engineering, and marketing strategy optimization. An awesome tip is shared about using haul-away and junk removal services as a value-add, PLUS turning it into a potential investment opportunity for yourself. Probate investors also discuss the opportunity in dry camping rentals.

Making cash offers fast, solving problems with probate real estate deals, and wholesaling ethics

This episode covers: How to navigate situations with adverse possession, find agreeable options for heirs who disagree, condominiumize a property to facilitate the sale of probate property without evicting a live-in tenant, shift your mindset away from thinking wholesaling has no value to probate sellers and more. Chad Corbett hosts this week’s live training with Certified Probate Experts.

Sub-to deals in probate real estate, PLUS optimizing your probate marketing strategy

This episode covers probate marketing strategy for digital and direct mail, transaction engineering for probate deals involving late mortgage payments and pre-foreclosure, why leveraging debt in an inflationary environment is a great strategy for real estate investing, and more tips for planting your flag in the sand as the probate real estate expert in your market.