Top Real Estate Myths “THE MARKET’S SLOW” Plus Best Pre Probate Script | Weekly Coaching

Top Real Estate Myths “THE MARKET’S SLOW” PLUS Best pre probate script | Weekly Coaching | Episode 105

In this episode, Certified Probate Experts coach through probate sales, probate marketing, and general good-to-knows about the probate process. Bill Gross breaks down the biggest real estate myth: that the real estate market is slow. The group discusses pricing probate properties right, cold calling pre probates, and probate litigation situations. We also celebrate the launch of the Probate Problems and Solutions Workshop and Courtney Rollin’s probate videos.

Probate Wholesaling Scripts | Podcast Episode 98

probate wholesaling scripts podcast episode 98

In this episode, probate real estate professionals share probate wholesaling scripts, feedback on CRMs, and tips for working with newer attorneys. David Young shares all the details on the probate wholesaling deal that landed him a $22k assignment fee; Bill Gross responds with tips to use that success story to find bird dogs and property scouts to get more deals. The group discusses free customer management tools like Google Sheets and how they compare to paid software like KvCore, FollowUp Boss, and REI Black Book. Tune in to learn what’s working this week for Certified Probate Experts!

Speed networking in real estate, the CPE Designation, and seller price objections in a changing market | Episode 96

Speed networking in real estate, the CPE Designation, and seller price objections in a changing market | Episode 96

In this episode, certified probate experts discuss speed networking in real estate, the CPE Designation elevator pitch, seller price objections, and using software as a lead magnet. We hear success stories from Larry and Brian on building referral relationships with attorneys. We also hear about Jessica’s 12 listings and why she targets NODs in probate with out-of-state personal representatives. David and Bill discuss why the one-to-many marketing approach is the greatest way to scale your real estate business. Tune in and see the progress these probate agents and investors have made in the last week!

Hyperlocal real estate marketing at probate court | How to buy a probate property sub2

Hyperlocal real estate marketing at probate court | How to buy a probate property sub2

In this episode, Certified Probate Experts discuss hyperlocal real estate marketing and strategies for how to buy a probate property. Successful probate coach and real estate agent Bill Gross describes how his first visit to the probate courthouse transformed his real estate career. Ele shares a hot lead and the group transaction engineers a way for her to purchase the probate property live on the spot. Additional discussion on the probate process, the effectiveness of lumpy mail marketing for probate leads, and partnering for a ‘you call, I close’ business model make this an episode you can’t miss! Watch the shortened restream live below.

Lack of Inventory? Not with a Certified Probate Expert skillset | PLUS: Tips for Cold Calling Probate Leads

How to get more inventory through probate and tips for cold calling probate

In this episode, Certified Probate Experts share success stories and exactly what actions and mindset adjustments helped them become successful in probate real estate. Whether you’re marketing to probate leads through direct mail, cold calling, or via referrals, the mindset and skillset will always be more important than the availability of leads. With some discussion of Propstream list segmentation and options for selling distressed properties in probate, the group comes together to share a ton of support, referrals, and best practice tips. You can become part of the community, too, when you take the Probate Mastery course at!

How to stand out in real estate: PLUS 4 scripts for probate real estate | Live probate mastermind

How to stand out in real estate: The ultimate value add | Live probate mastermind

In this episode, multiple Probate Mastery students share success stories demonstrating how to stand out in real estate, in any market. With the approach taught in the course becoming the ultimate value add in their business, they’ve been able to break through difficult situations in competitive markets, impress attorneys, and have clients truly go to bat for them to make sure they get the listing/deals. Other topics include leveraging a client testimonial for impactful real estate marketing, structuring a JV deal for probate investing, and why your clients should get a trust.
4 example probate scripts are presented in this episode for: Pitching estate planning services to your sphere of influence; getting through the gatekeeper at an attorney’s office; pitching attorneys on why you should work together; and handling objections about costs of probate services.

Real Estate Cold Call Scripts: Assisted Living Sales, Senior Downsizing, and Keeping Property objections. PLUS How to hurry the probate process up.

Estate Professionals Mastermind - More than a probate mastermind podcast episode 49

In this podcast episode, Chad Corbett and the probate masterminds practice senior downsizing scripts and assisted living sales scripts through cold call role play. In addition to these cold call role plays, Chad covers what to say when a probate lead presents the common objection that they plan to buy and keep the probate property to rent out. Chad and the group do some live deal analysis and transaction engineering for probate property situations with urgent timelines (foreclosure) and discreet, off-market sales (wealthy clients).

How to unlock profit, solve common transaction problems, and close more probate deals in 2022 | Live Probate Deal Analysis

Thumbnail for episode 40 of estate professionals mastermind podcast live probate training: Picture of Chad Corbett and text

Probate Mastery alumni share their recent probate listings and acquisitions and mastermind together for live deal analysis, transaction engineering, and marketing strategy optimization. An awesome tip is shared about using haul-away and junk removal services as a value-add, PLUS turning it into a potential investment opportunity for yourself. Probate investors also discuss the opportunity in dry camping rentals.