Why EstateExec is the best probate software for estate executors

Estate Exec is a game changer! Guide and benefits of this software

Personal representatives can save hundreds, if not thousands, of their own time and money by using EstateExec software. EstateExec CEO Dan Stickel created this software to help estate executors solve simple and complex problems involved with managing an estate. Magnum Opus Project founder Chad Corbett is educating professionals on how to better serve families in probate using this great tool. Together, we are bridging the gap between consumers and professionals in the estate management space.

Authorify Reviews for Customizable Real Estate Books and more tips: Mastermind with Certified Probate Experts Podcast Episode 83

Authorify Reviews for Customizable Real Estate Books and more tips: Mastermind with Certified Probate Experts Podcast 83

In this episode, Certified Probate Experts share Authorify reviews and marketing ideas for customizable real estate books. They also provide ideas for real estate eBook marketing, and ways to generate probate leads through doorknocking and courthouse visits. If you’re looking for a new way to generate leads and connect with potential probate clients and referrals, this episode is a must-listen!

Using Facebook Ads To Boost Your Marketing; Best Practice Tips For Door-Knocking; and How to Choose and Optimize Your Real Estate CRM

Preview for Estate Professionals Mastermind Podcast and YouTube Video, episode 17, hosted by Real Estate Coach Chad Corbett

Chad and the Masterminds brainstorm tips, strategies, and tools for working less, earning more, and doing good. Corey shares his success story – he’s taking FIVE listings this week! Federico and the masterminds brainstorm ways for him to get organized, scale his business, and reclaim his time as his cash-flow has stabilized. Gary Nash, David Pannell, and Chad talk CRMs and why some features work for others. Other topics discussed include using facebook ads to give organic content marketing a boost, pitching financial planning services as a value offer to probate prospects, and networking with high-net-worth individuals.

THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Probate Mastery’s top performers are challenged to get started with a CRM or reorganize and revisit the CRM they currently have. Federico sets a 30-day goal; can you match it? Tune in to learn more about the systems and strategies that are working for the masterminds, and take the challenge yourself.

Smart Scripts: What We Learned by Analyzing 4 Million Real Estate Conversations with AI

Smart Scripts: AI Chatbots for Real Estate with Structurely's Co-Founder Nate Joens

From Cold-Calling to Chatbots, These Lead-Nurture Best-Practices Will Fix Leaks In Your Pipeline and Turn More Leads Into Deals.

What if the right script allowed you to stop paying for real estate leads altogether, and instead turn your existing database into a deal machine? In this Ask The Expert, Nate Joens (Co-Founder at Structurely.com) joins Chad Corbett to discuss what 4 Years and 4 million conversations, analyzed with artificial intelligence, tell us about where people go wrong in real estate lead generation and follow-up, and how to get it right.