How to Find Cash Buyers and Sell Bulk Real Estate Portfolios | PLUS Scripts and Probate USP

Probate Podcast live training with Chad Corbett episode 25

Chad and John discuss where to find the best probate leads and how to get probate leads for free from public notice. Johnathan shares his probate video marketing process, and Chad offers tips for using a multi-channel approach with direct mail marketing and digital marketing to get the most mileage out of each marketing asset. Gary Nash and Chad Corbett talk about creative investment strategies, how to unlock profits in single-family residences and find better end uses for investment properties. Nina summarizes the court overbid process for probate sales in California. Chad and Nina discuss how to build a cash buyers list for the competitive market we’re in, and what professionals (CCIMs, CPAs, Community Banks) can help you network with the best real estate investors. Stephanie did over 100 investment deals last year, but she just got her real estate license; How can she get her first real estate listing?

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How to make more money in real estate

Chad kicks off the call with a breakdown of the methodology behind his Probate Mastery training system and why he appreciates the community that’s grown from it so much. Nina underscores how the probate mastery approach is unique compared to other probate courses and real estate training in general and can be applied to any real estate relationship.  Nina and Chad brainstorm how to make more money and build better relationships in real estate, including ways to use creative finance and private money to keep heirs in an inherited property when they don’t qualify for traditional financing. Rich reviews Probate Mastery and the free probate training content available through YouTube and the Estate Professionals Mastermind Podcast. Federico shares an update on his progress building a probate business; and Nina, Gary Nash, and Chad Corbett share their insights on hiring and scaling VAs. Chad Corbett also shares his recommendation for the best company for real estate virtual assistants, MyOutDesk.