Finding real estate deals in 2022 with BiggerPockets Henry Washington

BiggerPockets Henry Washington hosts real estate investing podcast episode

In this episode, Henry Washington joins Chad Corbett to discuss why BRRH is better than BRRRR; the mindset difference between investing vs wholesaling real estate; the importance of educating sellers on creative finance options like Sub2; and how to speak and market to motivated sellers from ANY list and find deals in 2022.

3 Paydays with Creative Finance: Lease Option, owner-finance, and sub2 deals

2022 Real estate opportunities with creative finance strategy: Lease Option, owner-financing, and subject-to deals

In this episode, Zachary Beach of Wicked Smart Real Estate joins to discuss 2022 real estate opportunities with creative finance strategy. Topics discussed include the best exit strategy for creative finance deals, why sub2 deals help home buyers facing higher interest rates, and what an example subject-to or sub2 deals looks like. Zachary does a sub2 deal example walk through and explains why subject-to is profitable. This podcast episode will run you through the basics of how creative finance works, who pays the existing mortgage, how sellers make money, and how buyers and investors get paid. Plus, if you’re thinking about entering the real estate industry and leaving your full time job, you’ll hear how Zach built productive cold calling habits! This is a must-play!

Make More Money in Real Estate: Tax lien investing, probate sub2, and branding tips for real estate | Ep. 61

group real estate coaching for probate course

In this episode, Certified Probate Experts share tips on how to make more money in real estate without working so much (Quit your job!). Chad Corbett and the group mastermind solutions for dealing with call reluctance, pre-foreclosure timelines, and choosing a good real estate brand name. The group discusses how to build a scalable real estate business that can be sold at a higher valuation when you’re ready to retire, and why probate leads are a great source if you’re looking to do wholesale deals, small business acquisitions, or fix and flips.

Hyperlocal real estate marketing at probate court | How to buy a probate property sub2

Hyperlocal real estate marketing at probate court | How to buy a probate property sub2

In this episode, Certified Probate Experts discuss hyperlocal real estate marketing and strategies for how to buy a probate property. Successful probate coach and real estate agent Bill Gross describes how his first visit to the probate courthouse transformed his real estate career. Ele shares a hot lead and the group transaction engineers a way for her to purchase the probate property live on the spot. Additional discussion on the probate process, the effectiveness of lumpy mail marketing for probate leads, and partnering for a ‘you call, I close’ business model make this an episode you can’t miss! Watch the shortened restream live below.

Sub-to deals in probate real estate, PLUS optimizing your probate marketing strategy

This episode covers probate marketing strategy for digital and direct mail, transaction engineering for probate deals involving late mortgage payments and pre-foreclosure, why leveraging debt in an inflationary environment is a great strategy for real estate investing, and more tips for planting your flag in the sand as the probate real estate expert in your market.