Probate Real Estate Marketing, cold calling, and Facebook Communities | Episode 93

weekly probate mastermind with certified probate experts episode 93

In this episode, certified probate experts discuss probate marketing, imposter syndrome, and community banks. Winston shares tips for using community banks to buy probate property. Kim and Chad discuss how to shake imposter syndrome as a new probate agent. The group discusses best practices for probate websites, building online communities, and direct mail marketing. Also, should vendor subcontractors also be bonded when doing work for your real estate clients? Tune in and see the progress these probate agents and investors have made in the last week!

Evictions, unclaimed property, and how to get probate leads faster | Podcast Episode 92

Estate Professionals Mastermind - More Than A Probate Podcast episode 92

In this episode, certified probate experts discuss probate lead sources, unclaimed property, and evictions for probate properties. Khalid shares a success story about daily trips to his local probate court. David has a probate property under contract, but there’s one last squatter issue to deal with. Larry is about to have his first meeting with a probate attorney to discuss a referral relationship. Tune in and see the progress these probate agents and investors have made in the last week!

Probate scripts & common objections for prospecting attorneys | Tricky will situations | Podcast Episode #90

preview for podcast episode Probate Scripts for Attorney Prospecting weekly mastermind episode 90

In this episode, Chad Corbett shares 3 probate scripts for prospecting probate attorneys and overcoming common objections. The group also discusses the new Estate Professional Directory launched to help probate experts find referral partners and generate inbound business from consumer searches. Chad Corbett also shares insight on tricky probate situations involving will disputes, non-performing attorneys, and minor heirs.

How to get probate leads from the courthouse: Weekly Probate Expert Mastermind #85

How to get probate leads from the courthouse: Weekly Probate Expert Mastermind #85

Success stories and marketing tips from Certified Probate Expert working probate real estate deals. Congratulations to Bill for buying probate property, ClaireMonique for breaking out of her comfort zone, Deborah for getting a probate listing by providing value first, and Larry for hitting the pavement with his probate marketing plan.

Authorify Reviews for Customizable Real Estate Books and more tips: Mastermind with Certified Probate Experts Podcast Episode 83

Authorify Reviews for Customizable Real Estate Books and more tips: Mastermind with Certified Probate Experts Podcast 83

In this episode, Certified Probate Experts share Authorify reviews and marketing ideas for customizable real estate books. They also provide ideas for real estate eBook marketing, and ways to generate probate leads through doorknocking and courthouse visits. If you’re looking for a new way to generate leads and connect with potential probate clients and referrals, this episode is a must-listen!

Probate cold call objections, vendor teams, and content marketing | Real Estate Coaching Episode 79

Probate podcast episode 79 - weekly probate mastermind

Struggling with probate cold call objections or how to navigate your probate marketing? Watch or listen to this probate real estate coaching session! In this episode, Bill Gross coaches real estate agents and investors that are members of the Probate Mastery program.  Topics include handling probate objections, approaching the concept of having a vendor team for probate services, and leveraging content marketing not just to get inbound referrals, but to warm up your outbound prospecting efforts.

Picking your probate marketing strategy | How to get probate data ep. 78

Picking your probate marketing strategy | How to get probate data

In this episode, Bill Gross coaches real estate agents and investors that specialize in probate. Topics include tricky probate situations that require a litigation attorney referral; networking at probate court; probate lead companies compared & how to collect probate data on your own; tips for cold calling probate leads, increasing contact rates, and handling probate objections; and how to build a probate marketing strategy around your strengths and goals.