Content Marketing for Probate Real Estate + The Truth About Mail Marketing | Weekly Coaching

Probate podcast real estate podcast series

In this episode, real estate agents and investors dive into content marketing and video strategy for probate lead generation. The effectiveness of direct mail marketing is questions. The group shares tips about probate situations involving mobile home sales, dealing with property not in a trust after death, and pre-probate. It’s a great time to be in the probate real estate niche and we hope we can help you learn the ins and outs each week!

How to stand out in real estate: PLUS 4 scripts for probate real estate | Live probate mastermind

How to stand out in real estate: The ultimate value add | Live probate mastermind

In this episode, multiple Probate Mastery students share success stories demonstrating how to stand out in real estate, in any market. With the approach taught in the course becoming the ultimate value add in their business, they’ve been able to break through difficult situations in competitive markets, impress attorneys, and have clients truly go to bat for them to make sure they get the listing/deals. Other topics include leveraging a client testimonial for impactful real estate marketing, structuring a JV deal for probate investing, and why your clients should get a trust.
4 example probate scripts are presented in this episode for: Pitching estate planning services to your sphere of influence; getting through the gatekeeper at an attorney’s office; pitching attorneys on why you should work together; and handling objections about costs of probate services.

Generating leads in probate: Digital marketing, attorney referrals, and branding yourself | Live probate mastermind

Preview for Estate Professionals Mastermind podcasst episode 53

The Probate Mastery team kicked Chad Corbett off the host seat this week and dove in on strategies for branding and generating leads in probate real real estate. The group discusses criteria for a good marketing message, probate credibility websites from all the leads, video marketing content, and more. A key focus was getting probate leads by building a referral network encompassing probate attorneys, estate planning attorneys, CPAs, and Registered Investment advisors, as well as other real estate agents and friends you know. Additionally, Victoria shares a real life example of why probate attorneys need a strong partner who understands probate real estate transactions.

How to build a probate business with probate coach Bill Gross: Clarity in marketing, messaging, and team building

Probate mastermind preview: Bill Gross hosts Probate Mastery Weekly Live Coaching

Bill Gross, Real Estate Broker and host of Probate Weekly, graciously hosts this week’s live probate mastermind training with Probate Mastery Alumni.  In this session, the group discusses how to gain clarity in your marketing strategy, brand messaging, and B2B partnerships.  The group also discusses strategies for dealing with deadbeat tenants and squatter situations.  Bill’s insight will help you build probate business momentum – and he is living proof that all you need is one strategy when you take the time to create a solid plan!

18 Creative Ideas For Probate Video Content (FREE GUIDE)

Preview for 18 Prompts to Jumpstart your probate video marketing: Guide

This guide will give real estate agents, investors, attorneys, and other professionals 18 prompts to use to create youtube videos, and suggest ways to repurpose hose videos in their broader probate real estate marketing plan for lead generation and nurture.

Social Media for Real Estate: YouTube Best Practices and the Google Local Contributor Strategy

Preview for real estate group coaching: Social Media and YouTube Best Practice Tips

Katt kicks off the call by sharing the story of Cedar Hollow Woodworking, a business run by one guy who very subtly established his brand as a community centerpiece. Katt and Steve discuss where to find good ISAs and how to structure a work-life balance that will increase their tenure and excitement about your company. Jonathan, Katt, Dan, Jen, and Michele break apart YouTube marketing and why even unpolished content can be incredibly powerful in launching both your channel in general and your brand in local search results. Katt and Jen tease a 16 Probate FAQs Challenge they will roll out for the next Mastermind call with Chad’s return. The Masterminds discuss the importance of just letting the camera roll, no excuses and no stopping, and taking solace in the fact you can trim down your content after the fact.

How To Access Equity in Mom’s House | Handling Objections from Multiple Heirs | Live Probate Training

Preview for Probate Mastery Group Training 20 for the Estate Professionals Mastermind Podcast

Josh and Chad brainstorm a video marketing strategy to use in paid Facebook ads with the purpose of driving membership to a Facebook community. Chad describes what landing pages and call to action has worked best for him in conjunction with Facebook ads. Corey shares updates on the probate closings he has in his pipeline. Alex, Chad, and John Fraker discuss ways to access equity in Mom’s house and the pros and cons of refinancing, HELOCs, reverse mortgages, and living trusts. John discusses his experience using TROs and injunctions to stop probate properties from going into foreclosure temporarily. Chad discusses tips for finding private lenders through probate and inheritance leads, and how to interview both community banks and small banks that hold portfolio loans to find the right lender for investments. Ronald asks about options for a surviving spouse when there is a reverse mortgage on the shared residence; Josh asks for advice handling objections from multiple heirs about how and when to sell the inherited property.