The 5 simplest YouTube tips for real estate agents and investors

tips for realtors youtube videos better reach title tags

A lot of YouTube tips for real estate agents and investors seem complicated and time-consuming, but fear not! Laying the foundation for your YouTube marketing strategy requires making a good habit of a few simple tasks.

As a real estate agent or investor, YouTube is a great way to market yourself to attract buyers and get your inventory in front of a wider audience. And you do not need to be a YouTube expert to get your content in front of future clients!

This article lists the 5 simplest tips to focus on when managing your own YouTube marketing. Forming the habit of doing these things for every real estate video you make will help YouTube put your content in front of more people, and get those people interested in watching.

Simply, they are:

  1. Use keyword-rich titles
  2. Use tags to reach a wider audience
  3. Optimize your thumbnail image
  4. Create transcripts of your videos
  5. Provide value in your YouTube videos

If you’re subscribed to our mailing list and/or follow us on Facebook, you’ll also learn more in-depth strategies and best practices for each of these specific tips.

1. Use keyword-rich video titles

tips for writing good youtube video titles

When it comes to YouTube, one of the most important things you can do is to use keyword-rich titles. This will help your videos show up in search results, and it will also give potential viewers an idea of what your video is about.

Think about the keywords that potential buyers and sellers would use when searching for a video like yours and include those keywords in your title. Use local keywording as appropriate, as well.

Remember, you can change and update your keywords at any time. For example, if you have a video tour of a new listing, you might use keywords like “new listing” “for sale” and “video tour” in “[local area]” in your title while your listing is active. However, once your listing sells, you can update the title.

2. Use video tags to reach a wider audience

In addition to using keyword-rich titles, another great way to reach a wider audience on YouTube is to use tags. Tags are keywords that you can assign to your videos, and they help YouTube understand the content of your video.

When you use relevant tags, you increase the chances that your video will show up in YouTube’s search results. Use tags that accurately describe your video.

You can also include up to three hashtags within the description of your video. These hashtags will be hyperlinked for user navigation, so it’s good to use at least one hashtag as a specific anchor to your channel, brand, or a specific topic you frequently talk about (e.g. #YourName, #YourBrandName, or your #YourMarketLiving).

3. Optimize your thumbnail image

Your video’s thumbnail image is also important. This is the still image that appears in YouTube search results, and it can play a big role in whether or not someone clicks on your video.

Make sure that your thumbnail image is clear and attractive, and that it accurately represents the content of your video.

Remember, your video title is also visible to prospective viewers, so you do not need to repeat your title verbatim – or at all – in your thumbnail. Your thumbnail is a blank canvas to highlight a concept, engage with a question, and present something worth clicking on to learn more.

YouTube will autogenerate thumbnail suggestions using frames from your video, or you can upload a custom thumbnail.

Worth noting: You can change your thumbnail at any time, but be aware it can take several hours or days for YouTube and Google to index the latest update.

4. Create transcripts of your videos

Another great way to optimize your YouTube videos is to create transcripts of them. Transcripts are text versions of your videos, and they can be really helpful for viewers who prefer or need to read rather than watch.

Most importantly, transcripts help YouTube understand the content of your videos. That’s because YouTube uses transcripts to generate closed captioning for videos, and in doing so is able to index your videos more effectively.

5. Provide value in your YouTube videos

Finally, it’s important to remember that YouTube is all about providing value. I highly recommend starting with this tip first – So if the very next thing you do after closing this article is to work on your YouTube marketing strategy is brainstorm what to create, the most important thing to consider is, What are people looking for?

We will be publishing more guides on designing a content strategy, but an easy and free way to get ideas for video content is to go to YouTube and use the search bar to start typing one or two keywords. YouTube will suggest similar and popular strings of search terms in the dropdown, and you’ll get a better idea of what people are searching for.

Put it into practice

By following these tips, you can make sure that your YouTube videos reach the right people and more of them! By using relevant titles and thumbnails about valuable topics, you can ensure your target audience wants to watch. And by using transcripts, tags, and appropriate keywords in your title, YouTube will understand where and to whom to show your video content.

Be sure to join our Facebook Group so you can ask for advice, collaborate with others, and catch new tips as we post them!

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