Top Real Estate Myths “THE MARKET’S SLOW” Plus Best Pre Probate Script | Weekly Coaching

Top Real Estate Myths “THE MARKET’S SLOW” PLUS Best pre probate script | Weekly Coaching | Episode 105

In this episode, Certified Probate Experts coach through probate sales, probate marketing, and general good-to-knows about the probate process. Bill Gross breaks down the biggest real estate myth: that the real estate market is slow. The group discusses pricing probate properties right, cold calling pre probates, and probate litigation situations. We also celebrate the launch of the Probate Problems and Solutions Workshop and Courtney Rollin’s probate videos.

Real estate cold calling consistency, attorney referrals, and marketing strategy for probate leads

Probate cold calling reluctance 104 podcast episode

In this episode, Certified Probate experts coach through probate sales, probate marketing, and general good-to-knows about the probate process. Bill Gross helps coach an experienced agent get back into the groove of cold calling. Bill also lays out a marketing plan for a new real estate agent. Other topics discussed include the difference in how value is perceived by agents and attorneys, the sales psychology behind phone rings, and options for reverse mortgages. Tune in to learn what’s working this week in probate real estate!

Starting real estate in a new city, new niche | Success Motivation with Susan Chace

Starting real estate in a new city, new niche | Success Motivation with Susan Chace

In this real estate success story, we hear Susan’s story of starting real estate in a new city. She describes the action she took to start getting leads and building her real estate referral system while continuing to educate herself. This episode will inspire you to carve out a path for your success today so you can build a career that lets you work less, earn more, and do good.

Winning Strategies To Win Real Estate Price Discussions | Using Debt & Equity to Buy Property

How to make more money in real estate

Chad kicks off the call with a breakdown of the methodology behind his Probate Mastery training system and why he appreciates the community that’s grown from it so much. Nina underscores how the probate mastery approach is unique compared to other probate courses and real estate training in general and can be applied to any real estate relationship.  Nina and Chad brainstorm how to make more money and build better relationships in real estate, including ways to use creative finance and private money to keep heirs in an inherited property when they don’t qualify for traditional financing. Rich reviews Probate Mastery and the free probate training content available through YouTube and the Estate Professionals Mastermind Podcast. Federico shares an update on his progress building a probate business; and Nina, Gary Nash, and Chad Corbett share their insights on hiring and scaling VAs. Chad Corbett also shares his recommendation for the best company for real estate virtual assistants, MyOutDesk.