Looking for new and creative ways to get more real estate listings and deals? In this Ask The Expert episode, Chad Corbett and the Probate Cash team cover 12 ways to get real estate leads, close more real estate deals, and help more families in probate with an inheritance advance.
In 30 minutes, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to use inheritance advance as a value add when prospecting probate sellers, and the best part is Probate Cash is well equipped to help structure solutions for unique probate situations. Let’s dive in:
- Where to Stream This Episode
- Episode Topics and Timestamps
- 12 Ways to Generate Real Estate Leads with Probate Cash (Summary)
- Transcript
- Links and Contact Info for Probate Cash
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Where to Stream: Ask the Expert with Probate Cash
Ask The Expert Segments: 12 Ways to use a Probate Cash Advance to generate real estate leads, listings, and deals.
0:00 Situations where your probate seller might need an inheritance advance before listing probate property
4:20 How to help adult children that lived with their parents move out before inherited property sale
9:49 The advantages a probate cash advance has over a lien
10:48 Selling a murder house: How a probate cash advance can help
14:55 Why Probate Cash is the best inheritance advance company for value-first real estate agents/investors
16:32 Can you barter with assets or personal belongings for an estate advance, instead of paying a cash percentage? (Great for probate wholesaling and fix and flips!)
27:16 How to connect with Probate Cash as a vendor and referral partner
12 ways to generate real estate business with a Probate Cash advance (To help you, your vendor partners, and your clients!)
Here are over 12 use cases for a Probate Cash advance that can help you provide better solutions in your real estate business:
- The personal representative needs money to hire a probate attorney and open probate.
- You want to offer a value-add to prospective attorney partners
- You need to sell a murder house faster and for more money, with less taboo in the way.
- The probate property was affected by a natural disaster, but vacant insurance wasn’t in place to cover emergency repairs (See more about why vacant property insurance for probate properties is SO IMPORTANT)
- The family needs money to fix the probate property before listing (which will also net the real estate agent a higher commission)
- There is a need to hire a private investigator to research heirs, life insurance accounts, and missing assets
- You need to help live-in family members find alternative housing before probate property sale;
- You need to help an attorney come up with solutions for live-in heirs who want their cut before probate property is sold/estate is settled and proceeds can be disbursed.
- You need to get real estate vendors (moving companies, property managers, etc..) paid for services necessary to move the listing timeline forward
- You simply don’t feel like negotiating with contractors for repair invoices, mechanics liens to get the deal done – Let Probate Cash handle the deal structuring
- You are working on a real estate listing/real estate deal with unique underwriting circumstances: Liquidity is low, but there is creative collateral to barter up.
- PLUS: Probate Cash is looking for someone like you, a Certified Probate Expert, to refer real estate needs to, and YOU can also get paid for bringing referrals to them!
TRANSCRIPT for 12 Ways to Use a Probate Cash Advance to generate real estate leads, listings, and deals.
12 ways to get real estate listings, deals, and referrals with a Probate Cash advance
Situations where your probate seller might need an inheritance advance before listing probate property [00:00:00]
Chad Corbett: Welcome everybody to another ask the expert series. You see a familiar face at least one on the screen today. We did an episode with probate cash to introduce them to the community. And that was sort of a high-level macro conversation about what a probate advance is and some limited use cases.
We can benefit from their experience being in this space and working with thousands of families over the life of their company. We wanted to dig in a little bit more and show you some of these more specific use case scenarios. So, Marc is back with us, who you guys have met, and today we have Karen who is the vice president of business development and really kind of the relationship manager. So the connection between the company and the consumers and the customers. The consumers being the families who take the advance, but the professional she commonly works with would be probate attorneys, real estate agents, and real estate investors.
And we just wanted to give an opportunity to dig in a little bit and to how, how specifically we can use these. We talked about generalities last time. So, welcome Karen and Marc.
Marc Harris: appreciate you having us back on we’ve had excellent feedback from the last time that we were on with you, and a lot of people calling and using our services and also asking us for other creative ideas that we’re looking into and some will be able to do so maybe not. I wanted to bring in Karen on this one. Even though I’m I’m CEO of probate cash, and I am an attorney by trade. And as anyone who knows a CEO or a lawyer knows that they are dependent upon really good smart people to help them look good. And I am no different. And Karen is that person who. Helps me look a lot smarter than I am. And she’s been in the trenches on these kinds of transactions and well y’all can call me.
I gave out my cell number last time and I will, again, at the end of this show Karen wanted her to tell some of the practical stories that she’s been involved in. So, your folks will be able to see exactly what we do
Chad Corbett: and how we do.
Yeah. So no pressure. Karen, we just put the whole episode on your shoulders?
Marc Harris: Yeah. Well, Karen’s let me do some of the work. And then usually it’s just, again, in the way. So, Karen, this has done this with a bunch of realtors who are a part of probate mastery. I think that you’ve got some examples of how we have helped realtors and their customers.
And that’s all about realtors getting probate listings and helping realtors get a better bottom line. What are some experiences that you have had? if I can play the role of Chad for a second,
Karen Iturrino: I mean, there are a whole series of them. There’s I’ve had realtors call because they have a client called who wants to list the house.
The house belonged to their parents. The parents are deceased, but they never actually probated it. And so now the attorney can’t list it because the person has no authority to sell it. They need the money to open the probate so that the realtor can was that. And the realtor will call, and they’ll give me a breakdown of what they think the property is actually worth.
Uh, We’ll go over the information with the client and we’re able to help in that regard, we get the clients, the money they need to open the probate so that the realtor can list the probate property There’s that way. We’ve had realtors call us because they have a probate property listed. There was a natural disaster that property the insurance was not up to date since the decedent had passed away, they need to access some funds so they could repair the house.
So it could be livable and it could be sold as opposed to just selling it down as a complete teardown that affects the realtor, the price that they can sell the home for affects how much money they get. And we’re able to help in that regard. There was another case up north, our basements were in Florida.
We don’t have basements, but there was a, I believe it’s pronounced a bowed wall where the wall was curved and they need to fix it. The house was not sellable. And so we were able, the realtor called us: ‘my client has no money to fix it. It’s an estate property.’ Can you help? And we were! They were able to fix the law and they actually, I believe got over asking.
It was a great, great turnaround for them
Chad Corbett: so I think that as the obvious way, the obvious way somebody would use you. I think it’s interesting that you do have some use cases, some experience with families who just simply couldn’t start the probate process because they didn’t have cash.
And they didn’t find an attorney who would initiate the process without payment. That’s one that, that’s an interesting use case that we, I don’t think discussed on the last.
How to help adult children that lived with their parents navigate inherited property sale [00:04:18]
Chad Corbett: One of the really common things that we see is I call them the failure to launch grownups. Typically the ones I’ve had to deal with are in their late forties to early sixties, lived with their parents their whole life. They just never really decided that conventional life was very interesting to them. A lot of them, they’re, they’re, sometimes it comes with mental illness, but sometimes it just comes with sheer damn laziness. And it’s challenging. Like as benevolent entrepreneurs, we’re not in this to make a profit pushing people around.
So what I teach people is we have to find a suitable living solution for this person before we actually take action, whether it’s a listing contract or an acquisition. What how are we going to ensure that we’re going to improve this person’s living situation? Not put them in a worse situation, make them homeless, or have them dependent on government programs.
So I’m really curious. I see your body language. I’m pretty sure you have those stories, but that’s something that we commonly encounter. And I usually tell people if you do this for at least a year like if you’re meeting families in probate and you don’t uncover one of these, you’re in some sort of an outlier market because it’s prevalent.
So what, yeah. Give us some of that experience. Like where have you been like the one to save the day and get Junior’s ass in gear and into an independent, living situation where he’s better off whether he thought that on day one or not.
Karen Iturrino: So that’s, it’s super interesting that you bring it up because I have dealt with that issue from the attorney and not from the realtor.
And so I didn’t think of it from that perspective. But yes. So we have had attorneys call and in the very polite way that you put at about other heirs in the property that have had a failure to launch, and we are happy to assess it, the statements, all the requirements, and generally what we do, depending on the amount we will give a portion- we’ll split our purchase price.
So if we’re going to give them $15,000, we may give them $4,000 to get out of the property. And then the attorney, the executor, or even in this case, the realtor can confirm that the person is actually out of the property. We’ll pay them the remaining amount. And sometimes we pay, the apartment that they’re moving to directly, we pay the moving company directly, whatever we can do to assist that person to get out it’s for the benefit of the entire state, not just for that one person…
Chad Corbett: There are two ways that you can do that.
One is you take it from the failure-to-launch heir’s side of the estate; two is you take it from the other heirs’ sides of the estate. And I’ve had to do that before, too, to motivate that person. I had to show them how they were getting everything they were due, plus. So I got brother a and sister B; heir A and heir B, to carve out part of their heirship and offer to heir C so they could get moving expenses to hire a moving company, and rent the truck.
First month’s rent last month’s rent, utility deposits. So we were able to carve out like 5,000 from my sister, 5,000 from my brother and give 10,000 to, and, and they did it in their cash and then submitted a claim to the estate. It was without a third-party company like yours. And this is the stuff, just like the example last time of, of, we talked about probate cash being the easy button versus negotiating with a contractor to carry a repair invoice for 90 days and out of 10% premium record a mechanics lien and all these things.
You can just call probate cash and they can structure the deal for you. In the same scenario here, you can take other heirs who have cash, who have liquidity, they can give up part of the estate and actually, loan money or give money to the other heir to get the hell out of the houses.
But it takes a lot of coordination and a good, pretty high, high skill level of being a skilled communicator. Or you can use probate cash. There’s an easy button. So that’s one of those things that I’ve done in the past that would have been way simpler if I’d have been like, ‘Hey guys, can you do this one for me?’
and I’ll just be over here. So in real estate, you guys deal with this, but instead, I had to get in the middle kind of as an intermediary between the siblings who wanted to sell the asset and the one who was, was going to, dig in and stay there forever.
And I had to build a relationship with them and show them how they were safe and, and got social workers involved.
It’s very complex.
So what I’m trying to show this audience is that I didn’t know how to do that. I just stumbled my way into it, figured it out. Just tried to think outside of the box. Now that I have the experience, I can teach how to do it that way I can teach, the more complex, higher skill set way, or we can give them a resource like you.
And say hey, you have experienced legal professionals and finance professionals that are neutral third parties that you can, you can delegate that effort too. And that’s a big part of what we teach in this community. It’s, earns more, work less, do good. And it’s not that you’re earning more on the backs of others.
You guys have your opportunity to monetize. And when you’re done with your job, that gives us our opportunity to monetize. So it’s a symbiotic team, really, referral relations. So that’s just for all you guys, I’m not probate cash like it’s for your benefit. I mean, the way that you could use this, this is just one, one specific use case would be to delegate yourself out of that failure to launch scenario and know that you have experienced professionals who have done that before.
That probably isn’t going to blow your deal up because Karen, it’s not your first rodeo. You’ve successfully navigated that. But if you do it correctly, you can end up improving the situation for the failure to launch guy and the family, and everybody wins.
The advantages a probate cash advance has over a lien [00:09:47]
Marc Harris: Chad, so our easy button is so easy that you had mentioned mechanics liens, construction liens our advances to the beneficiaries are non-recourse.
And we’re looking very carefully as well, making sure that the house is going to be sold. So we have all the interests in the world, for the realtor is to get the listing and get in the household as quickly as possible and get the estate assets distributed. But because it’s non-recourse, we are not filing any liens, recording any liens against the property, or anything else.
So everything stays as clean as a whistle. And how often does that happen? When you’re talking about the exchange of money
Karen Iturrino: I mean, it would take a while to negotiate with several other heirs. We could have an estate reviewed and funded there in less than a day.
You get it done fast to get them out.
Selling a murder house: How a probate cash advance can help [00:10:46]
Chad Corbett: That’s great. Like, it’s amazing. The stories that come out of real estate, like are, you’re not going to believe this one. But let’s, let’s have a little bit of fun. What is like one where you’re like, I don’t know if we can do this or not, but it actually turned out successful and you learn something from it.
Marc Harris: I think you should take this cause because you actually do believe it’s a lot of fun to handle things
Karen Iturrino: I really do. I think my favorite was, and we have a nickname in the office. We call them the murder houses. So when, when a murder has been committed within a home, it can be a little more difficult to sell.
And a lot of people won’t take that risk or it’ll sell for well below market value. Yeah. And so the heirs are struggling and they need, they really need to make sure it’s been cleaned and properly, painted has none of that semblance or leftover. And we’ve done a few of those. And I just, I think it’s interesting because some people are super, super superstitious about people dying in the home, especially if it’s been a violent act.
So I always, think they’re the most adverse thing. Cause one, I like the background of this, the story of the house. And two when you get it done, it feels like such a good accomplishment when they get the house sold and the heirs can get what they need.
Chad Corbett: It’s not just to share dark stories, got there’s a point to this.
It was something that I had to help with as a coach. I had to help one of my clients navigate, and it worked. But we had to get creative.
Murder, suicide, husband, wife. One kid was 17. One was eight, one was 16, and one was 18. And didn’t see it coming like it was, it was just like nobody expected it, it wasn’t an abusive relationship.
And the kids were just like, just mentally shut down. Nobody could reach them. And the person I was coaching made contact with them, but they didn’t get very far. It was just a superficial conversation. They didn’t have money to initiate the probate process. They didn’t have money to find that now to rent the house, they didn’t have credit to get, to be able to look good on a rental application.
And it just seemed like an impossible situation. And through using contractors that, because this was before I met you guys, the solution that we use there was selling the personal property. Get. What is the crew called that comes in and cleans up? Not in sanitation crew, but anyways, get the cleanup done.
The biological cleanup. Yeah. And then get repairs made. I had a contractor carry the invoice through to closing with, with, with the premium, for, his risk and then get it sold.
So we could finally get a social worker involved to get these boys into suitable housing.
And then as you can see that, that had a lot of moving parts and we had to coordinate a lot, but I mean, there are real-life situations where, I mean, imagine that your mom and dad, you think everything’s going fine.
All of a sudden you come home and their mom and dad are no longer there. Not only that you don’t have access to any of their bank accounts, but you also don’t have any cash. There’s no way to buy food. Where the hell are you sleeping tonight? The police have taken possession of the home for an investigation.
What do you do? And that’s one of the crazy scenarios. I mean, it’s unreal. What, like what you, you recover, you, you uncover the reality when you work in this space. And if you can, if you can think outside of the box, like the solution I pulled together for them was relatively complex compared to what you guys.
And saying, Hey, you what’s the house worth. Okay. Here’s money today. Go, go get yourself a hotel and I’ll have a social worker there tomorrow. And it would have been a more controlled, less stressful conversation with those boys who had an option like you on deck on my team. At the time, I didn’t, I used a contractor who was, well, this person’s contractor.
Like that was the one person who had strong enough cash reserves. I could put them into the role that I would’ve plugged you into. You know, Come up with some solution. So anyway, that’s, that’s one of them, the real-life scenarios on with one of the clients that I’ve coached that actually had the navigate that for, for one, two heirs one minor, one 18 year old, and they were just like, I mean, you can imagine they would have been homeless, probably had had they not brought that to the community and we, we transaction engineered it.
Why Probate Cash is the best inheritance advance company for value-first real estate agents/investors [00:14:53]
Chad Corbett: So you said something earlier, like you, you show enthusiasm and telling stories and that’s, but it’s what that tells me. It’s because you do have a will to serve like you, you. You seem to be very excited to be able to help someone when they thought they were in a hopeless position. And that’s pretty cool.
I think that’s why you guys are here. A lot of the other, a lot of the other advance companies that I’ve spoken to, they, pretty much act like a hedge fund or, a private equity firm on the front end, like on the public-facing side. And it’s just more of a cold,’ listen, we got it. You want it. We’re taking part in it’ Approach to the families where you guys have actual real stories where you treated people like people. That was pretty cool. So I appreciate you sharing some of that.
Marc Harris: So we like that. Even the dumb CEO here knows that this is a relationship. And it’s the relationships with our customers.
And, that relationship transcends to realtors, to lawyers, and the advances we provide, the money we provide helps everyone.
Just like the heirs who are going to take an advance to get the guy who needs the failure to launch a rocket launch is a term to get him out of the house.
The advances help everyone. And so in our sense, we want your group to ask, how can we help them? So w and we’re split by, by helping one at home.
Chad Corbett: Yep. So since this is a micro conversation, we’re, we’re getting down to the nitty-gritty. How can we use this conversation? I’m going to, I’m going to take it a little bit deeper, something I’ve never discussed with you guys, but I’m going to ask you in front of the community.
Can you barter with assets or personal belongings for an estate advance, instead of paying a cash percentage? [00:16:34]
Chad Corbett: Have you ever had a scenario or will you consider it. Not taking cash and exchange for the advance, but taking real property or personal property. So luxury vehicles, yachts, boats, cars but most importantly, and more, more likely. What if you had a piece of real estate like triple net commercial real estate that takes a long time to sell, but as a high level, almost institutional level of security, is that something you’ve ever done or something you would consider?
Marc Harris: I know Karen does have a story, not commercial, but we, we do find ourselves sometimes in the position where not necessarily by choice, we ended up with ownership of a home, but one advantage of probate cash is that we are a part of a whole group of companies that do various things with one arm purchase a structured settlement payment, right?
It advances against other types of receivables too, but we also have other companies who are in the cashflow business who will take security interest or even outright purchases of commercial products. And the first the macro course had positive feedback from, from your folks and.
Some of the feedback was, Hey, can you help me do something? That’s not exactly just giving an advance to a beneficiary. And my honest answer is, well, that’s our core business. That’s what we do. But let’s see throughout our, group of companies, how we can be creative to help you. So, the, the answer to your question is no, we haven’t taken a piece of property in exchange instead of cash. But that is something that we have the resources to at least certainly explore to make that happen when that is the solution that needs to be done, it’s important to know what has to be done. And just like you’re providing all these different circumstances of creativity to finalize the purchase of property listings, whatever we do, we do the same thing where we know we can’t skin a cat the same way. It doesn’t work for everybody. So how can we be more?
Chad Corbett: The reason I ask, is from a real-life scenario. I’m the one that, that the most, I guess, notable that comes to mind was an estate in California where the average probate is going to take about 16 months because of the complexity and the size of the states.
And as there’s interesting like studies where that I’ve, I’ve recently seen that the more, the higher, the value of the estate, the more complex and the longer it takes, some of that is because of complexity. Some of that is because higher net worth individuals have such unique assets.
They take longer to sell. They’re on that right-hand side of the bell curve where there are fewer buyers. But the few buyers there are, will pay the premium price. So it’s not just as cut and dry as there’s a house that’s full of stuff. Let’s get it empty, get it sold, and move on. And the heirs know, this could take years.
And the one that comes to mind was $53 million. Based on a commercial appraisal after the death was a $53 million seaside hotel in California like a cliffside hotel. And it was an old boutique hotel from the fifties, the family, knew it was in their inheritance, but it was in disrepair and needed dealing with.
And it could take years to sell an asset like that, a distressed boutique hotel and the state of California on an eroding sea cliff. Right. Like, so. It’s a very, very specific buyer. However, at the right price, I mean, If I were in Marc’s seat, I would look at that as an opportunity of, well, okay.
Well, we’ll give you a 20, we’ll give you a million-dollar advance against it. If you make us a 50 50 partner or something like that. And we ended up not finding a creative solution for that, and we ended up closing the probate, the asset was inherited. And then it was dispositioned after the probate closing as an inherited asset and it took years.
But there are things like that. A more simple one is, in, in. Fayetteville Arkansas. One of the guys that I’ve coached the longest, he just got started and probate was scared to death to get on the phones. I finally got him juiced up. He got on the phone, the very first phone call on his very first probate campaign, he got a $7 million commercial out parcel in the path of Walmart. Cause that’s the headquarters of Walmart corporate headquarters. So a new highway had been built. A farm was in the middle. It’s split a farm and that farm was now worth 7 million bucks and a family needed money now, but a $7 million out partial that needs rezoned from ag into industrial.
It’s going to take some time, right? So that’s another scenario where a family may need money to transition away from agriculture and into a new wealthy, holy crap. Can you believe this is our life lifestyle, but they’ve been fighting? They’re making 40 grand a year living hand to mouth and maybe, they had a bad year.
So there’s, those are outlier situations, but I think this is appropriate for this conversation. Like I just wanted to, and I’m putting you on the spot, but everyone in the, everyone watching this isn’t surprised. Trust me. I’m trying to find your boundaries of yours.
Your skill set, your willingness, like, or, or your, your internal procedures, like what is unreasonable ask if someone came to you with a $7 million out the parcel and they were just looking for a $50,000 advance to be able to purchase a, an RV and go on the road. Cause they knew they were retired.
As soon as that thing sold. Is that a deal you would try to put together? Like would you take a position against the asset? To protect yourself.
Marc Harris: I think some of the folks who have even called us will know our willingness knows no bounds, or we’re always looking to do new things or looking to do complex things.
And if we have resources, have the assets to do it. And yeah, two in the cliffside hotel, which I’m surprised, it doesn’t have a murder mystery part to it as well. It sounds like a good, good story. You’re talking about. Put money out and I think not to have to flip it right away. Who’s got, who can withstand holding on to the property for several years and then being able to earn the profit at that point.
And, to do that. That’s, so many businesses today are here’s $5. We, we want 20, but we want it tomorrow. And not, not to understand that you’re going to take a ride for a little while. but we have a lot of smart people here, which that’s why I brought Karen on.
So make sure that you do that probate should have some smart people, not just, not just me and. But we also have the resources and we will try to do what we can to help that complex situation and expensive situation.
Karen Iturrino: I will give an example of a really complex when we did a commercial building in New York.
And it was essentially a co-op well, friends bought it 60 years ago. Seven of them died and were supposed to get to heirs. Then the heirs don’t get it because they didn’t probate it. Now they’re down two generations later, there are now 30 people involved to sell this multiple-building co-op type situation.
And one of them wanted to complete a transaction and we did, we knew the risk. We knew the way they had structured the settlement between the remaining people. Everyone had to agree on it. Everyone had to agree on the realtor, everyone, and getting five people to agree on something is difficult.
Getting 30 people to agree on something is even more difficult, but one of, the essential heirs to the property needed funds and we were able to work through that transaction work through the co-op agreements, look at the regulations, make sure that everyone was on the same page and advance that heir while they waited for that property.
I believe it just. About two months ago and it was, it was a while ago.
Chad Corbett: Oh, that’s a great example. The whole intent of that was to show that you’re not just a buy box underwriter that says if it doesn’t fit in this box, don’t even bring it to me.
And that’s what I wanted to demonstrate to these guys. Like you’ve got a stable of attorneys and finance brains I would expect you should be able to figure out a creative solution for down there, anything even if it was, then instead of cash accepting personal or real property, that might be unique, because as my understanding, you’re not, federally regulated, you’re not under those same underwriting standards that a bank might be.
You have more flexibility because of the private nature of, private finance businesses that are right. Yeah,
Marc Harris: we take when we advanced money in exchange for a usually non-recourse interest in something. So, but that includes if you take, a piece of property that’s, that’s fine too.
And then it was still the same risk involved. So here you’re going on and you’re, you’re basically, as you alluded to a partnership and, and yeah, we have the flexibility of being creative and not being limited to just what our core, I mean, well, I think our core is great. We love advancing money to beneficiaries against their inheritance.
it’s clean. We make quick decisions. It goes through the probate court. There are no liens, rarely in a credit report. I can get stuff done, but that’s not always going to be what you need. And if you need something else, call us, and we’ll take a look at it.
Chad Corbett: Yeah. So the bigger point here guys are don’t shy away from asking if you don’t A S K you don’t G E T that’s for sure.
So if you, no matter how crazy your scenario might be, if you think that, one or more of the areas may benefit from an immediate cash advance. What the hell put it through underwriting, even if that’s just a conversation with these guys to underwrite it at a high level and say, yeah, we’re not, we can’t do that.
But I think you might be surprised. I mean, listen to the story that, that Karen just shared with you about a very complex co-op ownership scenario that which they weren’t afraid to take a position. And so that, to me says a lot about you not having this, this round hole, it only accepts round pegs.
Like it’s like, yeah, bring the square peg, we’ll make a square hole. So there, your underwriting is flexible. So, that’s the answer I would expect from somebody who’s part of this community. And I’m happy to hear. No, I think that’s a pretty good look at, at what, the unconventional ways that we can use you.
We’ve talked about the conventional ways. I’ll give you guys the opportunity. Is there anything that I haven’t asked or the conversation hasn’t led us to, that you would like, for this community to know about your company or you guys as people?
How to connect with Probate Cash as a vendor and referral partner [00:27:14]
Marc Harris: The people in this company? I think we have close, close to, if not more than a hundred years of collective experience in figuring out how to take future cash flows or interest in something of value and make it worthwhile. I’ve personally factored all sorts of receivables from lottery prize payments, and professional athlete contracts, to this, this interesting probate world, to inheritances.
So, there are a few things that we haven’t seen, but then we also, throughout those years, just the resources that we’ve accumulated and the people, I’ve always said that the best the people who know how to, where to find knowledge, that’s the half of knowledge is where to find them. And it’s really important to have a good role in that.
And we’re part of, we want to be part of your Rolodex. And, when there’s something difficult call us, and let’s see how we can help. One thing that we’ve done here is also getting phone calls from people who need a realtor referral. So we like to be able to refer realtors to folks.
We like to be able to refer probate lawyers, appraisers, and anything that you can imagine when, when someone passes away and there, they’re going through the assets. And so, that’s let’s say we’re a one-stop-shop for a lot of.
Karen Iturrino: I like probates. That’s how I look at these. I look at them like they’re puzzles then how can we make it work?
Chad Corbett: oh, I get it. I’m the same way in creative financing with real estate. I’m like, oh, there are 44 variables. Let’s get the work. It’s just like a big old, real estate Lego set.
Karen Iturrino: Absolutely. And, I pride myself that I worked for a company that is good and being open and trying to figure out solutions and listening to them.
Chad Corbett: Well, great. So mark put you on the spot and said, you’re going to share your cell phone with the world, and we’re going to, we’re going to get millions of people to watch those videos.
So, but no, seriously, what is the best way to get in touch with you, Karen, if anyone’s interested in having a private conversation?
Karen Iturrino: Sure. So my work phone, which will ring to my cell phone is five-six one two four two three zero eight. That’s 5 6 1 2 4 2 3 0 8 2. And my email is super easy. It’s Karen traditional spelling. K R E n@probatecash.com.
Chad Corbett: Okay. And mark, do you want to share on this video how folks can get, get ahold of you?
Marc Harris: Sure. It marks M and R C have to probate cash.com. And my phone number in the office is 5 6 1 4 7 6 0 0 1 8. And I didn’t get my cell last time. I might as well button for punishment cause I haven’t figured out the technology to forward it to myself, but in my cell is 3 1 0 7 3 4 9 4 3 7.
Chad Corbett: All right.
Well guys, thanks so much for another transparent conversation. I’m really glad that you connected with a lot of members of our community already. If you guys have questions, if you have real-life scenarios, if you’ve got, if you think you have ways that you could use them if you wish, I would’ve thought to ask this question, you have a different version let us know…
Yes. That’s what this is for. They’re putting themselves here as a resource to our community. So go get it! But thank you guys so much for watching. One more thing before,
Marc Harris: before we leave the chat, are we off
Chad Corbett: Leave my cell phone. That’s not happening.
Marc Harris: That’s right. I just want to let people know also that we, again, we believe value is important added by everybody.
And, to that extent, we also pay referrals. And so your folks should know that.
Chad Corbett: Okay, well, we’ll be sure to include that. How do you be there something you would have to have us include in the show notes?
Marc Harris: We can provide the referral. So the
Chad Corbett: referral fee, these are serving as a web form.
They should submit through to keep track of that, or what’s the process. Got
Marc Harris: it. Usually, they just call us and they bring transactions to us because we’re flexible in the fees. So it depends on a few different factors, but we give the best. I think we get the best referral fees out there.
Chad Corbett: Okay. So I just want it to be clear what the process was.
So if you guys are interested in, as, as you, utilize the services of probate cash, when you first make contact, make sure you discuss that referral agreement and, and whatever that, that referral fee or commission, whatever you call, I don’t remember what you called it, but we’ll call it a fee because that’s the safest word to use.
You guys have their contact information, you have access to them and you can have that conversation on your own. We’re not looking to collect your fees or commissions. We’re just here to give you access to people like this. So guys, thanks so much for another good episode and we’ll see you I’m sure in the Facebook group, I don’t think you got it, I know at least Sean Driscoll, he’s seen him in there quite a bit. So thanks so much and have a great day. Thank
Marc Harris: you, Chad. Appreciate it. Right.
Contact information and additional links:
Connect with Karren Iturrino:
Connect with Marc Harris:
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