Real Estate Video Ideas and Strategies That Will Grow Your Business

real estate video ideas and strategies that'll grow your business

Attention is the new currency in today’s digital world. Although traditional marketing tactics still hold value, real estate video ideas and strategies have now emerged as the driving force for building authority online. Just imagine capturing leads, building a strong brand, and closing more real estate deals—all because your video content keeps you top of mind with potential clients.

With that in mind, this guide is put together with a focus on probate real estate; however, the real estate video ideas and strategies you’ll find here can easily be applied to any niche or business. So, let’s get into the nuts and bolts of video content creation that have helped me in my business and will help you create content that resonates with your audience and drives tangible results.

Here’s everything you need to know:

Why Use YouTube in Real Estate? Best Practices for Channel Setup and Layout

Creating Your YouTube Channel

Using YouTube in real estate helps you establish a centralized hub for all your content, making it easier for viewers to find and engage with your videos. When setting up your channel, choose a name that clearly reflects your niche, such as “Probate Real Estate Solutions,” “Estate Property Experts,” etc. This way, potential clients looking for an expert in this specialization will know exactly where to go for valuable information and resources.

▶️ Start watching this part of the video to go directly to the initial setup

For serious business expansion, consider specializing and getting certified in probate. This advanced knowledge and specialized training will enhance your credibility and attract a highly targeted audience seeking expert guidance during life transitions.

Optimized Header Banner and Thumbnails

When implementing your real estate marketing videos, remember that your channel’s visual appeal matters. Design a professional banner that includes your branding and a tagline that encapsulates what your channel is about. Use a consistent style for your video thumbnails to make your content easily recognizable. Thumbnails should be eye-catching, with bold text, high-quality images, and keyword(s) that align with your real estate video strategies to give a preview of the video’s content.

Organizing Your Content and Auto-Playing a Video About Your Business

Organize your YouTube channel with playlists for easy navigation. Create categories like educational content, listings, and interviews.

It’s also important to select a video for your intro about your business. This video will autoplay depending on whether someone is subscribed to your channel or not. You can set this up during the initial channel setup.

Regular Updates

Keep your channel active with consistent uploads. Building a loyal audience requires regular content. Choose a posting schedule you can maintain.

Engaging Descriptions and Tags

Optimize videos with relevant keywords like “probate real estate” and “probate listings.” Detailed descriptions and tags help people find your content.

How to Make a Video Interesting? Content Types for Engagement

Some of you may ask what’s the formula to get people to engage in your content. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer because of the ever evolving digital marketing strategies, combining strong hooks and strategic keywords can certainly help.

It’s more about understanding your audience and creating content that resonate with them. Don’t be discouraged by low engagement; most people scroll through social media mindlessly. And, some people actually watch you without clicking the like button or commenting, but they are consuming your content. If you watch the YouTube video above, Melanie “The Probate Nurse” cited an example. She said someone from one of her real estate networking meetings recognized her and said, “I know you, you’re the Probate Nurse.” However, Melanie never sees them commenting or liking, but from those videos she consistently posts online, she got calls from other realtors for referrals. Consistency is key because you never know who’s watching and could become your next client or perhaps the coolest thing that could ever happen is you could be pulled into someone else’s deal.

To help your content reach the right audience, We’ve created a free downloadable PDF below with 100 probate-related keywords to boost your search engine visibility. 📩

100+ keyphrases consumers search for relating to “probate”

And below are the content types that you can use in your next video marketing:

Vendor Interviews

One real estate video example is to interview local vendors such as funeral directors, estate attorneys, and probate court officials. These interviews provide valuable information and foster partnerships, benefiting both you and the vendors by expanding your reach. For example, you could interview an estate attorney about the legal intricacies of probate real estate. This approach not only offers valuable insights to your audience but also highlights your network of professionals, demonstrating your expertise and strengthening your connections in the field.

Imagine an interview similar to the one Chad Corbett had with an estate attorney. While the focus was on attorney-agent collaboration, the concept can be adapted for a B2C audience. By asking questions about the challenges families face during probate and the role of estate planning, you can provide immense value to your viewers while showcasing the attorney’s expertise. Incorporating real estate video strategies like these can significantly enhance your content and establish you as a trusted resource in your niche. Additionally, with this mutually beneficial approach to marketing, you’re also supporting another business, demonstrating the value of collaboration to potential partners.

Get Referrals and Track Your Progress!

It’s time to build your referral network. Identify attorneys who could benefit from your services and reach out to them. Foster these relationships and watch your business grow. Remember, taking initiative is key!

Earn Attorney Referrals Now (EARN) is our high impact course that will guide you through the secrets of attorney relationship creation. You’ll learn how to close more probate real estate deals from referrals you receive from attorneys…. and best of all, you’ll learn more about using your new attorney relationships to create co-branded video content for your real estate business. Take it below – or bundle it with Probate Mastery for a great price!

Personal Stories

Telling your own stories is powerful. Sharing funny, touching, or interesting personal experiences related to real estate can make you relatable and build trust with viewers. For example, recounting a challenging probate case you successfully handled can highlight your expertise and problem-solving abilities. These stories not only entertain but also demonstrate your real-world experience. They also serve as excellent examples of relatable videos for realtors and investors. Invest time in creating compelling narratives to increase viewer engagement and conversions.

Educational Content

probate education banner

Get your probate designation: take the #1 probate certification course

Mix it up! Create short videos with quick tips and longer videos that explain the probate process in detail. Teaching your viewers something valuable makes you an expert and gives them reasons to keep coming back for more. Break down complex topics into simple, easy-to-understand segments that your audience can digest at their own pace. For instance, you could create a series of videos explaining each step of the probate process, from filing the initial paperwork to finalizing the sale of the property.

how a newer agent gotten 11 listings from videos

Community Highlights

So, why is video important in real estate? For starters, video content helps build trust and credibility with your audience specially within your community by making complex topics more accessible and engaging. Moreover, real estate marketing videos allows you to showcase your knowledge and establish yourself as a go-to resource in your market, which, in turn, can attract more clients and opportunities.

Additionally, consider showing off your local area by highlighting local businesses, attractions, and community events. Heck, you could start filming and talk about gardening, your clients, or your neighborhood—Just anything that might pique the interest of your target market. Furthermore, featuring local events, new business openings, or historical landmarks as part of your real estate video ideas and strategies can give your audience a sense of the community’s character and charm. By showcasing your involvement, you not only build trust but also demonstrate that you’re genuinely invested in the area’s well-being.

Watch this YouTube video to see how a newer agent got 11 listings signed simply by consistently creating video content.

Q&A Sessions

Host live Q&A sessions where you answer questions from your audience. This interactive format allows you to engage directly with viewers, address their concerns, and demonstrate your expertise in real-time. Promote these sessions in advance to ensure a good turnout and encourage viewers to submit their questions beforehand.

Additional Tip: Type what you think people would ask Google and scroll down to the “People Also Ask” section. Use those questions as inspiration for your next content. These are essentially the public’s pulse that you can tap into. This also applies when you type in a question on YouTube and see recommended questions on the side.

probate search
people also ask probate search when I type real estate video strategies

Check more results all the way down for more realtor video ideas :

people also search for relating to real estate video strategies

How do I Attract More Viewers to Watch My Videos? Content Repurposing Techniques

To capture more viewers, leverage content repurposing techniques. By transforming your existing content into various formats—like turning a blog post into a video or a video into bite-sized clips for social media—you can reach a broader audience and keep your content fresh and engaging across multiple platforms.

Creating Short Clips

Don’t waste your great content! Turn longer videos into shorter real estate videos for social media. Edit your long-form videos into bite-sized clips that highlight key points or interesting moments. These clips are perfect for sharing on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, where shorter content performs better. Ensure each clip provides value and entices viewers to watch the full video on your YouTube channel.


Extract the audio from your videos and publish it as a podcast. Many people prefer consuming content on the go, and podcasts are an ideal way to reach this audience. Introduce each podcast episode with a brief overview of the topic and its importance, encouraging listeners to watch the full video for more in-depth coverage. Platforms like Anchor make it easy to distribute your podcast to major services like Spotify and Apple Podcasts. You never know the impact you can make by offering valuable content that people enjoy listening to. Turn your realtor video idea into a consumable audio format.


To make your real estate video strategies even better, start by transcribing your videos and turning them into blog posts. This approach not only boosts your SEO efforts but also offers your audience an alternative way to engage with your content. Furthermore, be sure to include links to the original videos within the blog posts to drive traffic back to your YouTube channel. In addition, adding videos within your blog posts can significantly enhance the user experience and keep visitors on your website longer.

Social Media Snippets

Create visually appealing social media snippets from your videos. These can include short video clips, reels, quote graphics, or behind-the-scenes photos. Use tools like Canva to design eye-catching posts that draw attention and encourage engagement. Share these snippets across all your social media platforms to reach a wider audience.

Why Social Media for Real Estate? Cross-Platform Promotion

In today’s tech-savvy world, understanding the essence of different social media platforms plays an important role in developing effective real estate video strategies. Therefore, tailor your content to fit each platform’s style and audience—use eye-catching thumbnails and short captions on Instagram, and opt for a professional tone with detailed descriptions on LinkedIn. Additionally, remember to customize your posts to maximize engagement and reach.

Engaging with Your Audience

Don’t just post and forget. Engage with your audience by responding to comments, asking questions, and encouraging discussions. Building a community around your content fosters loyalty and makes your audience feel valued and heard. Host live sessions, create polls, and ask for feedback to keep your audience actively involved.

Real Estate Video Examples: Short-Form Video Inspiration

Use the power of Instagram Stories and Reels, as well as Facebook Stories, to share educational series, quick updates, behind-the-scenes content, and promotional snippets. These short formats are great for maintaining a presence in your followers’ feeds and encouraging spontaneous engagement. Check out Trena’s Instagram reel that went viral! This demonstrates the huge potential for building client relationships among those who engaged with her content, which can ultimately lead to more future business growth!

Additionally, study real estate video examples and how successful video content creators structure their video titles, hooks, and overall messages. Don’t copy, but try to replicate their style to see if it works with your market.

example of a great real estate video strategy applied to short form . trenna harris Instagram video screenshot
credits to Trena Harris @riversidecarealtor
A Probate Mastery alumnus

Collaborations and Guest Appearances

Collaborate with other real estate professionals, influencers, or local businesses to expand your reach. Guest appearances on podcasts, webinars, or social media takeovers can introduce your content to new audiences. These collaborations can also add credibility and provide fresh perspectives for your existing viewers.

What are the Factors of a Good Video? Technical Setup for Quality Content Creation

Real Estate Videography Equipment and Lighting

Good lighting and a decent camera are key to making your videos look professional. Proper lighting ensures you are clearly visible, while a high-quality camera captures sharp images. Invest in a good ring light or softbox lights to illuminate your face evenly and avoid harsh shadows. Natural lighting can also work well if you film near a window.

Importance of Sound Quality

Clear sound is crucial! Consider using a separate microphone to capture crisp audio. This small investment can make a big difference in how your content is received. Poor audio quality can detract from even the best video, so prioritize getting a good microphone, whether it’s a lapel mic, a shotgun mic, or a USB condenser mic. Ensure your recording environment is quiet to minimize background noise.

Tools for Interviews and Recording

Tools like Zoom or Streamyard are great for doing interviews, especially when you’re not in the same place. They help keep the video and audio quality high, which is important for building your credibility. These platforms also offer features like screen sharing, recording, and broadcasting to multiple platforms simultaneously. Test your setup before going live to ensure everything works smoothly.

Editing Software

Editing is where you can truly polish your videos. To achieve this, use software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or even free options like DaVinci Resolve to refine your content. Additionally, trim unnecessary parts, add titles and transitions, and ensure your audio is synced properly. Moreover, incorporating graphics, subtitles, and music can significantly enhance your videos and keep viewers engaged.

Due to popular demand, for those who are part of our coaching academy program, we will soon be offering video editing as an additional free service. This feature is still in development and has yet to be finalized, but stay tuned for updates.

We recently announced the launch of the Academy Coaching Program in one of our email updates. While the program is officially underway, we’ve already begun working with a select group from our Estate Professionals Mastermind Community. This exclusive coaching is designed to accelerate your business growth. With the Mastery Academy’s 1-1 coaching, training, and course resources, you can build a successful “life transitions” business and position yourself as a top expert in the field. If you’re interested in a free consultation, discover if the Academy Coaching is right for you here.

Now, if you’re not part of the coaching program but still need help with video creation, we will offer video editing services to CPEs or aspiring CPEs as part of our marketing support.

The video services are coming soon, and we’ll announce them in the coming days. Stay tuned for email updates.

Backdrops and Setting

Pay attention to your backdrop and setting. A clean, uncluttered background looks professional and keeps the focus on you. Consider using a branded backdrop or setting up a dedicated filming space that reflects your brand. Avoid busy or distracting backgrounds that can take attention away from your message.

Resources & Links

Bringing it All Together

By consistently implementing these real estate video ideas and strategies, you’ll position yourself as the go-to probate real estate expert in your market. Remember, Attention is a currency that must be earned with great content. The concepts here also applies to almost every business, regardless of your niche or market.

If however, you decide you want to explore the probate and inheritance real estate niche as a specialization or an added value and skill to showcase to your clientele, I offer free probate mini-training courses to help you get started. These bundle of courses cover everything from identifying probate opportunities to effective marketing and prospecting strategies.

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Fast-track your success in probate real estate when you take the #1 probate certification course

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